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///RW1 GREEN 2023
Reinhard Winiwarter Winery
Austria • Stratzing
classic, light and spicy Veltliner. Pure joie de vivre! Impresses with its clear, fine fruit and the beautiful acidity. Due to its structure and mineral persistence, it is a very typical, very characteristic Veltliner from the Kremstal region.
0.75l bottle | 12.5 vol% Alc.
€ 14.53/Liter
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///RW 1 Grüner Veltliner Steinbad 2023
Reinhard Winiwarter Winery
Austria • Stratzing
Banknotes and landscape typical Grüner Veltliner, with the characteristic of the Kremstal fruit charm. The Kremser Kobl is our situation with the highest potential, the /// RW 1 our "reference Veltliner". Magazine Vinaria: fresh, herbal spice, a hint of pineapple and green melon; then lots of fruit, spice in the finish, quite strongly built on the palate, lively, finely in the final.
0.75l bottle | 13 vol% Alc.
€ 18.53/Liter
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///RW 2, Grüner Veltliner, Kremser Wolfsgraben 2021
Reinhard Winiwarter Winery
Austria • Stratzing
Fein nuancierter Duft nach Wildkräutern, Mineralien, begleitet von nobeln, kühl-würzigen Schattierungen wie Anis, Minzblätter, Crème de Menthe; fokussierte Fruchwürze, kompakt, saftig und zugleich hochelegant mit langem Ausklang.
0.75l bottle | 14 vol% Alc.
€ 23.87/Liter
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///RW1 green secco 2020
Reinhard Winiwarter Winery
Austria • Stratzing
SPARKLING WITH PEPPER When the Veltliner makes "bubbles" ... it really tingles in your mouth! Crunchy, cheeky and wonderfully fresh, the sparkling water dances on the tongue, showing the palate that secco can also be spicy. Ripe peaches meet yellow spice, on the palate moist clouds of mist gather and envelop everything mystically smoky. Not a trace of sweetness, but all the more character that the self-confident sparkling fizzy shows open-heartedly. Next generation secco!
0.75l bottle | 12.5 vol% Alc.
€ 16.67/Liter
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///RW 3, Chardonnay, Steinbad 2023
Reinhard Winiwarter Winery
Austria • Stratzing
Subtiles Aromenspiel aus Kornfeld, frischgemähtem Getreide, Baumblüten, dahinter dann die sortentypische Zitrusfruch, transparentte Struktur, schliffige Säure, voll Verve und Pikanz
0.75l bottle | 14 vol% Alc.
€ 17.20/Liter
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72 Bottles
///RW 4, Rotburger Rosé, Loiserweg 2023
Reinhard Winiwarter Winery
Austria • Stratzing
Fresh natural fruity drinking pleasure bottled. The /// RW 4 is a finesse, very lively rosé from Zweigelt grape. Following the trend! Magazine Vinaria: Very light in color; Roses and red berry notes; juicy and refreshing, lots of fruit, transparent, almost no tannins.
0.75l bottle | 12.5 vol% Alc.
€ 14.53/Liter
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///RW 4 Rotburger secco 2022
Reinhard Winiwarter Winery
Austria • Stratzing
Powerful pink, very fine mousse, subtle scent of strawberries and yellow apples, intense tinges on the palate, full-bodied, brut with a good creamy finish, delicate acidity, fruity and lively on the finish.
0.75l bottle | 12 vol% Alc.
€ 16.67/Liter
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///RW5 - Rotburger Riedencuvée 2018
Reinhard Winiwarter Winery
Austria • Stratzing
Das Beste aus unseren Zweigelt-Lagen; sorgsamverarbeitet, entsprechend lange gelagert und dannzu einer vollmundigen, feinfruchtigen, samtigenCuvée komponiert. Best of Zweigelt sozusagen. Vinaria: Fruchtwürziges Entree nach Kornelkirschen, Weichseln, rosa Pfeffer,subtiler, kaum merklicher Holzeinsatz; changiert am Gaumen indunkelfruchtige Farben, Schwarzkirschen, Blaubeeren; appetitanregenderSäurefächer, feinkörniges Tannin, schöne Länge; Zweigelt-Klassiker inSamthandschuhen.
0.75l bottle | 14 vol% Alc.
€ 23.87/Liter
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///RW elf 2022
Reinhard Winiwarter Winery
Austria • Stratzing
Ein besonderer Rosé, kreiert zu einem besonderenAnlass: Geburtswein unserer Tochter Rose (11.8.11).Ein starker Konterpart zu den traditionellen Rosé-Weinen: sehr kräftig, lieblich mit viel Körper. Spiegeltdie starke Persönlichkeit unserer Tochter wider.VinariaRosé mit prägnantem Duft, Kirschen, süße Beeren;mollig dank Restzucker (15 g / l), viel Substanz vomreifen Lesegut (fast Auslese), völlig ungewöhnlicherRosé, der für lange Haltbarkeit konzipiert ist.Passt in kein gängiges Klischee.
0.75l bottle | 14.5 vol% Alc.
€ 18.53/Liter
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1908 - Edition Loos 2022
Reinhard Winiwarter Winery
Austria • Stratzing
A very special Grüner Veltliner from our Steinbad vineyard. The classic Kremstal DAC sees itself as a homage to the "most beautiful bar in the world", the Loos Bar in Vienna. The Barjuwel was opened in 1908 according to the designs of the star architect Adolf Loos. The 1908 underscores this unique bar classic with fine spices, the typical Veltliner pepper and fruity aromas of pear, apple and fresh meadow grass. A wine with character for a bar with character.
0.75l bottle | 12.5 vol% Alc.
€ 18.53/Liter
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